Monday, July 27, 2009

The Life of Brian

Did anyone catch the latest article in the Casino Chronicles? Will this guy ever just give it up? The infamous "factfinder" has struck again -- and missed. I can't help myself here. Seriously, I have been trying so hard to be good...but this guy really just hands it over on a silver platter....and poor Alice just eats it up. Brian really, really needs a reality check here.....really.

Brian P. Giovanoni, former chairman of Middleboro’s Casino Resort Advisory Committee, believes he’s found potential inaccuracies in Lynch’s report.
Giovanoni said one point is in direct contradiction to the tribe’s federal recognition, which found continuous tribal ties dating to first contact with European settlers.

Uuuummm....Brian.....did you even read the Tribe's Federal Recognition? I would have to say no after reading your comments. Here is a "fact" for you Factfinder....

The number of times Mashpee is mentioned in the Final Determination: 265
(this number does not include the footnotes or page headings)

The number of times Middleboro is mentioned in the Final Determination: 0
(this number does include the footnotes and page headings)

In case you don't understand Brian - or are learning math from a Tribal leader who actually thinks there are two LIT applications pending....Mashpee, 265.....Middleboro....BIG FAT ZEEERRRO. I hardly think not mentioning Middleboro in their federal recognition constitutes continuous tribal ties dating to first contact with European settlers - at least not in Middleboro. Sure, they may have had contact....but obviously not in Middleboro or they would have mentioned that. If you are still confused, please feel free to read all about what the federal recognition actually says about the Tribe's historical ties, here. Or, if you prefer, I would be ever so happy to send you a personal copy of you can add it to your thousands of pages of facts you have on the non-impacts to the environment a casino would have in Middleboro or the surrounding communities and how wonderful all of our lives would be if only that darned resort bingo hall could be built.

Lynch is also “saying this tribe has never asserted political authority over any residents within the town of Middleboro, which is untrue,” Giovanoni said. “There are voting members of the tribe living here today.” that is interesting, and probably quite true....but....just because there are Tribal members living in Middleboro now doesn't automatically mean they have political authority over residents within the town of Middleboro. That is like saying, the vote of a Middleboro resident who is a Mashpee tribal member is more important than, or more authoritative than the average joe living in Town. would hope that isn't the case in Middleboro. Here is what the federal recognition said about politcial case ya missed it the last time I brought it up:

Political Influence:

".....political control of the town of Mashpee...."

"....evidence of the Mashpee's residental patterns...was also sufficient to demonstrate political influence..."

"....gave the Mashpee greater self-government by establishing an "Indian District" in Mashpee, Massachusetts..."

" part of an Indian District...the Mashpee gained complete control of political, legal and economic affairs in the town (of Mashpee)...."

"....Mashpee adapted the principal elements of the town governmental system...."

Yeah, I can totally see the connection to Middleboro, the political influence and all...or as Brian would call it....authority... because a few tribal members live in town. What in the world was Jim Lynch thinking???

Gosh...Brian must be feeling oh so confident and super-duper smart....a true factfinder...especially after what the Vice Chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, Aaron Tobey said....

Tobey said he hasn’t read the report complied by Lynch, but added, “if it’s accurate, it’s good to know now.”

Is it me....or shouldn't the Vice Chair of the Tribal Council already know if this is accurate or not??

Oh - and I bet this comment really got Brian's factfinding senses tingling.....

Tobey said Grabowski’s final report has yet to be released, but said that she has compiled “convincing evidence” the tribe has links to the land in Middleboro.

For the record, Christine Grabowski can write and re-write all the historical reports she wants for the Tribe....her final report is about two years too late. The only report that matters is the one submitted by the Tribe in their LIT application - the one Jim Lynch tears apart in his report. The Tribe cannot change their application so by all means let Ms. Grabowski write her final report. I look forward to reading it. And by all means Brian, continue to tell us all about the potential inaccuracies you find in Mr. Lynch's report....I love a good laugh.

The only potential inaccuracies this chick sees is, yet again, in another fly by night comment hand fed to the media by our friend Factfinder. Great job, Brian....I guess you can now add tribal historian to your endless list of expertise.

-be the change you want to see in the world-

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This is for my dear friend Eddie...not Vedder, another Eddie. He is a wonderful person who has personally dealt with the disappointment with his own people, his own country...his own freedoms granted to him by birth....

please know my dear friend, with all that has happened, that this chick has not forgotten your plight and your cause. You have many, many friends behind you that believe in your cause, and believe in this country....and the idea that this country will stand behind you and help at some point, even when your own Senators and Legislators don't have the courtesy to give you the time of day. All of our voices shall be heard. We are patriots...we love our Country...even when it seems that the ones who are "running" it don't love us...or you. Freedom, equality and democracy for all who are born and live within these more hiding behind sovereign nation status.

Someday.....the river shall open for the righteous. Until then, we will stand behind you.

Righteous; integrity, equity, justice, straightness—upright, just, straight, innocent, true, sincere. It is best understood as the product of upright, moral action in accordance with some form of divine plan.

Righteousness is a matter of relationships - with God, with things, and with other people.

- be the change you want to see in the world -