Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Open Letter to Cedric Cromwell

Here is an open letter to Cedric Cromwell in response to his statements made in a Taunton Gazette article released this morning....

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell is continuing a media blitz in advance of an expected Massachusetts Gaming Commission vote, vowing Monday that the tribe will build a casino in Taunton.

“Threats to sue our Tribe, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Department of the Interior will not deter us from building a first class destination resort casino in Taunton,” Cromwell said in a statement. “We have known all along that different groups would sue to try and deprive us of our tribal rights, but it has become clear that our opponents are more concerned with their own self-interest than the good of Southeastern Massachusetts. All they are doing is lining the pockets of lawyers instead of working to fill the pockets of the good people of Southeastern Massachusetts who need work.”

comment to the Taunton Gazette -  really?? the fact that you print this trash shows that your reporters have no clue about anything regarding LIT , could care less about the ramifications of trust land in your community, or the federal process for land in trust....you don't get it at all - if you did - you might have taken the time to look into Cedric's pathetic claims at painting opponents as "depriving the tribe of their tribal rights to obtain trust land" in a town they have never had any claim to until they decided to try and build a casino there"...shame on you!

boo-freaking-hoo Cedric....your lies and twisting of facts is just disgusting and no one...I mean no one who knows anything about the federal trust land process is buying it. Especially not David Littlefield, East Taunton resident and number one opponent to your lies...here is what he has to say about that...


While the chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Cedric Cromwell continues his desperate, feeble attempts with a media blitz, to threaten the Mass Gaming Commission before their vote on Thursday on whether or not to open region C to commercial bidders. He has finally realized that his fairy tale dream of having a casino anywhere may never come to fruition. In his statement to the Taunton Gazette "threats to sue our tribe, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Department of the Interior will not deter us from building a first class destination resort casino in Taunton". Well Cedric, there are a few problems with that statement you made. First of all we would not sue the tribe. The tribe has never been under federal jurisdiction, and this is proven in documents that show the BIA did not ignore you, or pass you by, but did in fact, on several occasions, refuse to intervene and help your tribe because the federal government declared the Mashpee Wampanoag were state citizens, in fact the BIA just recently declined to help the Mashpee Wampanoag with the fraudulent elections back in February of this year. So, for centuries the BIA and the DOI have and still do consider the Mashpee Wampanoag state citizens who are not, nor ever have been, under federal jurisdiction. We won't sue the Commonwealth of Massachusetts either. We have no desire to take any desperately needed funds from our state or the good people of southeastern Massachusetts. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts can only approve a compact for gaming, which by the way is completely different from getting land in trust, and without land in trust, the compact means nothing.  So to educate you a little further, we could sue the Department of the Interior if they were to break the law and over step their boundaries in granting a tribe that was never under federal jurisdiction land in trust. You cannot change history nor create new history. As far as lining the pockets of attorneys, and taking away money from the Commonwealth, yes, you are wrong again!! Per guidelines set by the BIA, your proposed casino project would only bring 6.25% to the Commonwealth, and if a commercial casino was already here (garnering the state 25%), and you continue your pursuit of a tribal casino as you have warned us you will do, the good people of southeastern Massachusetts will get 0%.  All the money will go to lining your pocket, the tribe and Malaysian investors, of course. If you bothered to stick around long enough to hear what the good people of southeastern Massachusetts have to say, you would understand that this dream of yours will never happen. But you don't stick around for those meetings, you run your usual same old speech, the same one you used in Middleboro and Fall River, and now Taunton,  while you continue to reservation shop. You say "self-interest" - I say self-preservation for my community that you stormed in on and tried to take control of. You know the old saying that you and Glen Marshall use from the tribal casino handbook "We’re coming, like it or not, so get the best deal you can" well the best deal for Taunton would be for you to pack up and head on back down to Mashpee where your final determination by the federal government puts you. Oh yeah I forgot, Mashpee won't let you have a casino there either. You’re the one bullying the people of Taunton and the Gaming Commission. You’re the one threatening lawsuits if you don’t get the casino you mistakenly think is your inevitable right to have. You’re the one threatening to line lawyer’s pockets with the only money you have- Malaysian investors and the federal grant money. You’re the one not being transparent. By the way how’s that land in trust application working for you? You know the one you started in 2007 in Middleboro? Amended, rejected, refilled. I can't wait to see you when you come before the City Council the end of this month to answer our questions and show us the completed LIT application... so when your pocket lined lawyer says he will sue the Commonwealth for relief and remedies, does that mean YOU”RE going to take money from the good people of Southeastern Massachusetts? Bottom line, Cedric, to quote your lawyer "after 400 years of injustice and deprivation, the tribes obligation to its citizens requires no less” - what that really means is after 400 years of being told over and over again that the Mashpee Wampanoag are not under federal jurisdiction the tribe has no obligation…..Yes Cedric it is true, you and your tribe are state citizens just like me and all the other good people of Southeastern Massachusetts. I promised you a year ago that I would fight you through the local, state, federal level. I intend to keep that promise, and not for any self-interest, rather to protect state sovereignty and WE THE PEOPLE of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and if you think 1 man cannot make a difference, then you go tell that to Governor Donald Carcieri or David Patchak.
What he said....
Knowing can be a curse on a person's life. I'd traded in a pack of lies for a pack of truth, and I didn't know which one was heavier. Which one took the most strength to carry around? It was a ridiculous question, though, because once you know the truth, you can't ever go back and pick up your suitcase of lies. Heavier or not, the truth is yours now.”   Sue Monk Kidd
"you've only got three choices in life...give up, give in, or give it all you got" - Ironman

 - be the change you want to see in the world -



tribal member said...

could not have said it better and I am a tribal member.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how we see through them (tribe) the same as our brothers and sisters in E.Taunton. I have a question. If you or I purchase a lotto ticket with hopes of winning big, what do we do when our hope is crushed by not winning? WE MOVE ON. WE ACCEPT IT. WE GO BACK TO WORK.I respect and accept the fact that some of the mashpees have aboriginal blood flowing thru their veins. But,all this whining and now playing the white man/ indian card AGAIN with the "whoa is me" cable ad is over the cliff absurd.They have been trying to pull the fast one on all of us for too long. Cedric- check out the definition of "insanity" in the old webster or funk and wagnalls.