Saturday, July 21, 2012

To Be Submitted.....

So we FINALLY got the Land in Trust application for the Mashpeee Wampanoag Tribe for land in Mashpee and in Taunton....Taunton specific for building a casino...they apparently don't know what "area", "significant" or "historical" means but that is okay....they have plenty of time to figure it out -- or perhaps read the actual definitions as stated in the Federal Register...but okay....all their historical proof and super secret documents are referenced in tabs but go to the tab and read....TO BE is all of their so called proof that they were:

A.  Under federal jurisdiction in 1934 - more on THAT claim to come...
B.  Have significant (or any) modern and historical ties to the land in Taunton
C.  Their economic proof that they are a tribe in need...oh wait...they did submit that evidence -  a Cape Cod Times article stating they need 30 Million dollars to self
D.  And so much more that still needs to be submitted.

More on all of the application to come...stay tuned. 

I could amost feel bad for our Governor for negotiating a compact based on this application...the application he obviously didn't even make an effort to get, nevermind read and use to ensure a "great" compact for the citizens of Massachusetts and a "fair" deal for the tribe.

To Be Submitted:   My break down of their arguement as to why they think they were federally recognized in 1934 -- and why it won't stand up in a court of law.

 - be the change you want to see in the world -


Anonymous said...

It went all the way to SCOTUS to decide the meaning of the word "now". Instead of going there again to define "area" "significant" and "historical", wouldn't it be cheaper to send Ceddie a dicitonary??

My treat!

Anonymous said...

Do know if the Fee-to-trust application is posted online, or available for download (as I assume it is quite large)?

Thank you ...

Mark Belanger said...

The LIT application can be found at