Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fall of the Republic?

"Tyrany or's our choice." That is my favorite line in this entire production aside from "this is not a left or right issue...the question is who should Government serve and it should serve the people..."

Tyrany or is our choice. I urge people to watch this documentary and decide if what is shown here is true or not. I myself need to check into some of these claims....but hey, I love doing that! Alternative information from mainstream media opened my eyes to the nightmare casino debacle....unpopular views to World events should be watched with an open mind and a willingness to think for oneself.

- the greatest menace to freedom is an inert people - Louis D. Brandeis -

- be the change you want to see in the world -


Mark Belanger said...

Sorry CC but this looks like an extreme right wing hatchet job totally lacking in any balance. My hackles went up the minute I heard "Barack Obama is a puppet of the New World Order to bring in a world bank, to destroy the economy of this country, and to bring in global governance.". Things went from bad to worse when they rolled out Jesse (look out behind you) Ventura as a corroborating witness. Lots of fast cuts with dire sounding quotes that are lacking any context, suspenseful music, but no substance. What was the single biggest attack and infringement on the rights, freedom, and privacy of Americans in the last 40 years? IMO it was the Patriot Act. You'd have to go back to the Japanese internments of WWII to find a more egregious assault on civil liberties. Do I think Obama has been effective? Not really though I think he could have done a lot better with a Republican party that wasn't so intransigent and unwilling to compromise. Has Obama made lots of outright mistakes and had big growing pains as POTUS? He sure has.

I get totally turned off when I see these Teabagger and right wing manifestos that start throwing out words like "The bill of rights" and "the Constitution" - with the implication being that Obama is some sort of foreign agent sent to destroy America. I also take issue with the Barack HUSSEIN Obama references - we all know what impression that is trying to give. This video did the same thing by referring to Volcker as Paul ADOLPH Volcker. Oooo, his middle name is Adolph, he must be like Hitler.

The video had a link to to by the DVD. The site has headlines like "Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Created By Scientists All Over The Planet" and and "Secret Cloning Projects Exposed: Help Us Warn the World" and "Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington" etc.

That said, the rise of hyper-corporations is certainly of concern. But in my book the Federal Reserve conspiracy theories are in the same class as "911 was an inside job" ones and are best considered by people with tinfoil hats.

Could there be valid points in the video? Maybe. But there is too much in there that looks suspect to try to separate the grains of truth from the torrent of propaganda.

Mark Belanger said...

And another thing:

I wish you'd blog more often and I look forward to anything you post on the "Fall of the Republic" after you've researched it a bit. The USA certainly has deep problems.

carverchick said...

Mark...right wing hatchet job...agreed. However, if you can get past the extremest "the world is coming to an end" rhetoric there is also enough substance and truth to hopefully make people pay more attention to what is happening to our country. I know people don't like Jesse Ventura...he's "crazy" and all that but to be honest, if it wasn't for the crazy extremists who questioned those in power I wonder where would we be today. I am not sure why you get so turned off by people...errr...teabaggers as you call them...bringing up the constitution and the bill of rights. I don't think its about Obama being some foreign agent, but more about his lack of respect for the office he holds and for those of us who really believe in the constitution and want it upheld. Let's face it...he took an oath and said in front of every single American citizen that...I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.... Defend the constitution of the united states...that is his job. To date, his actions have been worse than Bush's so called preservation and protection of the united states. Didn't we as anti casino propaganders not use the constitution as a fighting tool? I know I did...and I did because I believe in that document and I believe that our Country's leaders should too.

This documentary says he committed high treason...uummm...a conflict of interest that is dangerous, yes...but this chick is far from convinced that it is high treason. With that said, I also believe that it is the duty of Congress to question that. You say the Patriot Act was the biggest infringement on our rights and I couldn't agree more. But keep in mind that Obama has allowed it to continue. Actions speak louder than words...he has great words but he doesn't follow through IMO.

As far as the infowars and prisonplant websites go, I checked them out too. I know there are the "crazy extremest" links and all, but hey, there was a time when people thought the world was flat and the idea of it being round was left to those...ummmm...wearing tin hats :)

My point is, nobody should dismiss an idea and an opinion because it is "weird" or not accepted by the masses. If we didn't question the secret hybrid monsters and secret cloning projects then we aren't free thinking, just drones who accept what mainstream media tells us is truth....and we both know how well the media covers the casino issue. Hell, scientists cloned a sheep in the early 90s...what's to say they couldnt genetically modify and create some weird freakshow of a creature. Truth is stranger than fiction....You know me well enough to know I question everything..its what makes me special ;)

As far as 911 being an inside job...I think there is truth in that an extent. Facts are facts and when you look at facts and evidence and if it is enough to make you question the official story, then yeah, I can say I think there was a coverup. For what reason I have no idea but I do know that this entire war on terror has only allowed our Government to slowly strip away the freedoms granted to us by our Founding Fathers...and I don't like it. Not at all.

You and I are good friends, and although I don't get to see and talk to you as much as before I hold our friendship to the highest extreme. I respect you as a person and I value your opinion...always. I like that you commented on this blog post because I knew you would question its content. Your view raises even more questions in my head and I like that...its why I like you. You make me think about things that are important. I have been looking into the allegations made in this documentary because they intrigue me and lets face it...I am a chick who craves intrigue.

and I will blog about what I find as I research this and hope you will continue to challenge my opinions.

Mark Belanger said...

CC - it is because of the esteem I have for you - and my certainty in the strength of our mutual respect and friendship that I felt comfortable disagreeing strongly with you on this one.

We're good. And I'm playing Ripple at my next gig WITH a mandolin player.

carverchick said...

Count us in on that gig!!

For the record...I LIKE that you disagree with me on this! I sense some lively, fun and intersting conversations in our future :)

You who choose to lead must follow
But if you fall you fall alone,
If you should stand then whos to guide you?
If I knew the way I would take you home...

with a mandolin player.....we are soooo there

Anonymous said...

A conservative believes in the sancity of the individual. That we are individuals-unique, disparate, and willful-is something we understand instinctively from an early age. No child ever wrote to Santa, "Bring me, & a bunch of kids I've never met, a pony, and we'll share." The great religions teach salvation as an individual matter. There are no group discounts in the Ten Commandments. Christ was not a committee. And Allah does not welcome believers into paradise saying, "You weren't much good yourself, but you were standing near some good people."

Virtue is famously lonesome. Also vice, as anyone can testify who ever told their mother, "Everyone else was doing it." We experience pleasure separately.

To say that we are all individuals is not a profession of selfishness any more than it's a call to altruism. It is simply a measurement. Individuals are the units we come in, and the individual is the wellspring of conservatism. The purpose of conservative politics is to defend the liberty of the individual and-lest individualism run riot-insist upon individual responsibility.

I am proud to be called a "conservative" who is a believer & defender of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and everything that made America great.

This much I know is true:
For every negative article, book, video you can produce against this administration, I can match w/as many negative articles, books, video's, w/as much hate towards a "conservative." So why go there?

God bless you carverchick, glad to see your still blogging.

Warm regards from an old friend.

carverchick said...

For every negative article, book, video you can produce against this administration, I can match w/as many negative articles, books, video's, w/as much hate towards a "conservative." So why go there?

Good question....and I agree that you can find everything negative about a conservative also, which you will see in the next documentary I post. Why go there? I think I am going there because I really am questioning the direction our "leaders" are taking us. I am not here to pick on liberals or republicans or tea party patriots...I am posting things that have gotten me thinking about what the heck has been going on for the past 10...20...30 years in our government and in our country. I have no intention of trashing the President - as far as I am concerned, he is leading this country how he thinks it should be lead. However, with that said, I find it disingenuous when I hear people blaming Bush for everything....the bottom line is, Bush did a lot of things that have gone a long way toward stripping us of our rights under the constitution, but President Obama has has Clinton, and Bush Senior and Clinton and Carter and I need to go on? The problem I am having today is that this President ran on a platform of Hope and Change we can Believe in....I see a lot of change but not a lot of hope. With that said, I am going there with equal opportunity for Democrats and Republicans alike...maybe I can get some people to have lively and respectful discussions about our state of affairs without the mudslinging, fingerpointing and blame game....if we can do that as voters then maybe we can actually have a chance to get back a Government that is of the people and for the people the way it is meant to be. That or I am just gonna piss off alot of people ;)

God Bless you too anon 9:58...God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

Well, carverchick, seems you have taken a bigger step from just American Indian gambling/casino's. It's nice your spreading your wings to other issue's now that most LIT issue's are dead in the water. AS, I have heard, our SENIOR Senator from MA, (Barney Frank), has said several times, THERE WON'T BE A CARCIARI FIX!! AND we know all tribal backers do not want commericial casino's.

Let me put a few cents in on the comments from this, now not so current blog, so I might be to late to be printed.

Plain & simple, all parties aside.
If there were only two lifeboats left to board, I would never get stuck w/a seemingly bitter, closed minded, finger pointing, almost hysterical man.
Give me the seemingly more open minded due to the well put oppinion of a calmer person.
I think they would be more apt to listen to other opinions & without being attacked if their's was a different oppinion/outlook on a situation.
Well,that's my oppinion.

Also good answer to your "old friend's" question- why?

Now will read your newest blog.
