Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This About Sums it Up

This video link was left as a comment on one of my blogs....too good not to share. Enjoy!

June 30 and July 1, 2010, Senators Joan Menard, of Fall River, and Mark Montigny, of New Bedford, debated Senator Menard's amendment (#31) to the casino gaming bill in Massachusetts. The amendment would strip the casino use language from a bill passed in 2002, paving the way for the 300 acres in Fall RIver to be developed as a casino. Some of the dialogue is taken from the transcript of that debate.

- be the change you want to see in the world -


Anonymous said...

We all know that if this was an open and honest process that an INDEPENDANT cost/benefit analysis would have been paid for by the state. All the "research" has been funded by the special interests that will benefit from the casino. Look at who paid for the studies, the scandal ridden Wampanoags, the casino lobby groups, Herb Strather?

Middleboro Remembers said...

Brilliant and funny!

Sadly too true.

Thanks, CC.

Anonymous said...

Who are you going to trust? The three card monty man, the politicians or your mother. We all know that casinos will bring nothing but trouble, look at all the graft and corruption they have bought I mean brought to our state all ready. The lies, slander and injustices that have been forced upon us by the elected officials who are first and foremost supposed to look after the welfare of their constitutents. Why not use the land for nuclear waste disposal, a strip mine or possibly a puppy rendering plant. maybe we could filter all the sludge out of the Gulf by sifting it through the land andinto the aquifier. The area was sdesignated to be used as a bio tech center that would have provided better, higher paying jobs which would have raised property values and provided long term employment to skilled professionals. Who do you think is going to be using it now.

Gladys Kravitz said...


My new hero! Who sent this?!?!

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. Low paying jobs. I win.

carverchick said...

I have no idea who sent this, but it is posted on youtube. My husband and I were laughing our freaking butts off watching this...

67% of my constituents want a casino, although the poll was done by the Wampanoag's...good thing nobody pays attention to those details


Gladys Kravitz said...

That really does sum it up.