Come to find out by doing a bit of research, the BIA has this nasty little habit of approving LIT applications for Tribes before an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been completed for the land in question. This news is a bit distressing, especially when you consider the fact that Land in Trust regulations requires compliance with NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Regulations. As stated on their home page, NEPA requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions. To meet NEPA requirements federal agencies must prepare a detailed statement known as an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Basically, NEPA requires an environmental scoping session and a completed Environmental Impact Statement for all Land in Trust Application decisions. It would seem however, that in some instances, the BIA has approved Land in Trust applications without a completed EIS, such as what happened recently in Rohnert Park, California. Here is what the Attorney who filed the suit has to say:
The Bureau of Indian Affairs jumped the gun by attempting to transfer title to this poorly planned site even before completing the environmental impact statement,” Volker said. “Operating a casino at this site poses huge environmental impacts, including massive traffic congestion on Highway 101 and over-pumping of local wells."
The Bureau of Indian Affairs jumped the gun by attempting to transfer title to this poorly planned site even before completing the environmental impact statement,” Volker said. “Operating a casino at this site poses huge environmental impacts, including massive traffic congestion on Highway 101 and over-pumping of local wells."
“The BIA has thumbed its nose at the public by attempting to end-run the laws that protect the public from needless environmental harm,” Volker said. - the press democrat
This bad habit is causing some major waves throughout several States. Throughout this Country, individual communities and States are standing up for their inalienable sovereign rights granted to them in the United States Constitution. They are questioning the BIA's decision making process and in some instances, the SOI’s right to take land off the tax rolls regardless of a State’s or community's position on the matter.
Consider the Buffalo, New York case that my friend Gladys Kravitz recently blogged about….or how about the Columbia River Gorge case in Oregon. These are but a few examples of the BIA behaving badly.
This bad habit is causing some major waves throughout several States. Throughout this Country, individual communities and States are standing up for their inalienable sovereign rights granted to them in the United States Constitution. They are questioning the BIA's decision making process and in some instances, the SOI’s right to take land off the tax rolls regardless of a State’s or community's position on the matter.
Consider the Buffalo, New York case that my friend Gladys Kravitz recently blogged about….or how about the Columbia River Gorge case in Oregon. These are but a few examples of the BIA behaving badly.
So what about us?
Please allow me clarify the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe's position with regards to their Land in Trust application.
The application is specific in that it asks approval for three things:
1. Land(s) into Trust
2. Reservation status for said land(s)
3. Permission to game under the initial reservation exception of IGRA.
Please allow me clarify the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe's position with regards to their Land in Trust application.
The application is specific in that it asks approval for three things:
1. Land(s) into Trust
2. Reservation status for said land(s)
3. Permission to game under the initial reservation exception of IGRA.
This is an all or nothing situation for the Mashpee Tribe. They can't get just one of these things....the application has to be approved for all three requests or the application will be denied. Since we already know the land in Middleboro does not meet the requirements for an initial reservation, this application should be, and most certainly will be denied.
Furthermore, neither office of the BIA in Tennessee or Washington DC has the authority to approve the application because of the initial reservation proclamation request. This request leaves the authority squarely on the shoulders of the Secretary of the Interior. In the Mashpee Tribe's case, the BIA does not have the authority to make the decision on thier application. If they do, they are essentially violating federal statutes.
The question being raised in the Carcieri v Kempthorne case is whether or not it is unconstitutional even for the Secretary of the Interior to take land into Trust in certain circumstances. I had blogged about this several months ago. Recently, I received the following comment on that particular blog.
Adam B has left a new comment on your post "Don't Tread on Me":
Furthermore, neither office of the BIA in Tennessee or Washington DC has the authority to approve the application because of the initial reservation proclamation request. This request leaves the authority squarely on the shoulders of the Secretary of the Interior. In the Mashpee Tribe's case, the BIA does not have the authority to make the decision on thier application. If they do, they are essentially violating federal statutes.
The question being raised in the Carcieri v Kempthorne case is whether or not it is unconstitutional even for the Secretary of the Interior to take land into Trust in certain circumstances. I had blogged about this several months ago. Recently, I received the following comment on that particular blog.
Adam B has left a new comment on your post "Don't Tread on Me":
CONGRESS delegated the authority to take lands into trust for Indians to the Secretary of Interior in the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. CONGRESS has plenary power regarding Indians and Indian tribes, leaving the States out of the mix (with the exception of the ability to appeal decision by the BIA). Since Congress has delegated the authority to the Secretary to do what the 1934 act proscribed there is left no claim that the BIA/Secretary is acting beyond their authority. - Posted by Adam B to carverchick at July 14, 2008 11:12 PM
This is an excellent, albeit misleading comment. First of all, States are not kept out of the mix in regards to LIT decisions. In fact, the regulations clearly state that once an application is received, the affected State, community and interested parties will be notified and allowed to comment. As far as Congress having plenary power regarding Indians and Indian tribes, this is the very argument that the Amicus Brief for the Carcieri v Kempthorne case is tackling, and which will be heard by the Supreme Court this fall or early next year.
This case is essentially questioning whether or not a Tribe recognized after the enactment of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 is actually covered under the Act. Several States, including Massachusetts have signed on to this case.
The Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) was enacted by the U.S. Congress on June 18, 1934 and its purpose was to decrease federal control of American Indians and to increase tribal self-government. The act sought to strengthen tribal structure by encouraging written constitutions and to undo the damage caused by the Dawes General Allotment Act by returning surplus lands to the tribes. The IRA says:
The term "Indian" in this Act shall include all person of Indian decent who are members of any recognized Indian tribe now under Federal jurisdiction, and all persons who are descendants of such members who were, on June 1, 1934, residing within the present boundaries of any reservation, and shall further include all other persons of one-half or more Indian blood.
It also says:
The term "tribe" wherever used in this Act shall be construed to refer to any Indian tribe, organized band, pueblo or the Indians residing on one reservation.
It goes on to say that the Act shall not apply to any reservation which votes against its application. The elections were to be held within one year of the passage of the Act, and it was the responsibility of the SOI to conduct the elections.
Sec. 18. This Act shall not apply to any reservation wherein a majority of the adult Indians, voting at a special election duly called by the Secretary of the Interior, shall vote against it application. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior, within one year after the passage and approval of this Act, to call such an election, which election shall be held by secret ballot upon thirty days' notice.
The way I read this is a majority of the Indians (identified in the first paragraph) in all tribes (identified in the second paragraph) had to vote to accept or reject the application of the IRA within one year of it's passage. Since the Act says that it covers all of the tribes that are recognized now and it requires all recognized tribes to vote on the Act, then it stands to reason if they didn't exist to vote on whether or not to reject the IRA, how are they one of the tribes covered under the Act? This is in essence, one of the arguments in the Amicus Brief.
So if the tribe is not recognized under the Act, then the only other way for the Mashpee tribe to acquire land is through an act Congress, as I tried to explain in Lucky Thirteen, and unless Adam B or anyone can provide me with irrefutable evidence and not some sentence that is cherry picked to make his argument, then I stand by what I say, and I stand by 25 CFR 151.3.

This case is essentially questioning whether or not a Tribe recognized after the enactment of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 is actually covered under the Act. Several States, including Massachusetts have signed on to this case.
The Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) was enacted by the U.S. Congress on June 18, 1934 and its purpose was to decrease federal control of American Indians and to increase tribal self-government. The act sought to strengthen tribal structure by encouraging written constitutions and to undo the damage caused by the Dawes General Allotment Act by returning surplus lands to the tribes. The IRA says:
The term "Indian" in this Act shall include all person of Indian decent who are members of any recognized Indian tribe now under Federal jurisdiction, and all persons who are descendants of such members who were, on June 1, 1934, residing within the present boundaries of any reservation, and shall further include all other persons of one-half or more Indian blood.
It also says:
The term "tribe" wherever used in this Act shall be construed to refer to any Indian tribe, organized band, pueblo or the Indians residing on one reservation.
It goes on to say that the Act shall not apply to any reservation which votes against its application. The elections were to be held within one year of the passage of the Act, and it was the responsibility of the SOI to conduct the elections.
Sec. 18. This Act shall not apply to any reservation wherein a majority of the adult Indians, voting at a special election duly called by the Secretary of the Interior, shall vote against it application. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior, within one year after the passage and approval of this Act, to call such an election, which election shall be held by secret ballot upon thirty days' notice.
The way I read this is a majority of the Indians (identified in the first paragraph) in all tribes (identified in the second paragraph) had to vote to accept or reject the application of the IRA within one year of it's passage. Since the Act says that it covers all of the tribes that are recognized now and it requires all recognized tribes to vote on the Act, then it stands to reason if they didn't exist to vote on whether or not to reject the IRA, how are they one of the tribes covered under the Act? This is in essence, one of the arguments in the Amicus Brief.
So if the tribe is not recognized under the Act, then the only other way for the Mashpee tribe to acquire land is through an act Congress, as I tried to explain in Lucky Thirteen, and unless Adam B or anyone can provide me with irrefutable evidence and not some sentence that is cherry picked to make his argument, then I stand by what I say, and I stand by 25 CFR 151.3.
§ 151.3 Land acquisition policy.
Land not held in trust or restricted status may only be acquired for an individual Indian or a tribe in trust status when such acquisition is authorized by an act of Congress.
So the question is, does an Act passed by Congress (in this case the IRA) have authority over a States constitutional rights covered under the tenth amendment? I don't think it does, and apparently neither do the individual States. I guess that is for the US Supreme Court to decide.
Land not held in trust or restricted status may only be acquired for an individual Indian or a tribe in trust status when such acquisition is authorized by an act of Congress.
So the question is, does an Act passed by Congress (in this case the IRA) have authority over a States constitutional rights covered under the tenth amendment? I don't think it does, and apparently neither do the individual States. I guess that is for the US Supreme Court to decide.
Additional clarification on the Carcieri v Kempthorne case arguement: The Carcieri v Kempthorne case before the Supreme Court in November is not challenging the Constitutionality of the Indian Reorganization Act. The Act is constitutional as passed by Congress but it does not apply in the eastern states. It only applies to Federal reservations which already existed in the West.
So back to this rumor about the Mashpee Tribe’s application…..I find it highly unlikely that the BIA will behave badly with this application. In fact, given the testimony they heard at the March 25th EIS scoping session, the complications surrounding the Mashpee Tribe’s application asking for two parcels of land that are 39 miles apart as an initial reservation – one parcel specifically slated for a mega-casino resort, and the already pending legal battles from other States, I think the BIA will be on it’s best behavior in regards to the Middleboro land decision. But if they chose to try and circumvent Federal laws, we will be there to call them out on it. In a court of Law.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, ... That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. - The Declaration of Independence
- be the change you want to see in the world -
Finally! Now I know what a "Done Deal" is. It is the threat of a mega-casino moving faster and faster into the realm of AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!! Unless you are on the pro side, then replace "mega-casino" with "destination resort" and you'll get it.
Thanks CC. Once again you've made a complicated and confusing process understandable to Joe Q Public. You are my hero!
The only way for us to be prepared for ANYTHING is by informing as many people as we can of what has the potential to occur. We need to be ready as soon as the second EIS study is complete. We need to start acting and having a plan NOW.
The hesitancy and complacency to inform for risk of the "other side" knowing is not only empowering those that want the casino, but it's allowing many of those who have worked so long and hard for this fight to be blindsided and uninformed of what has the potential to occur.
There is no way we can have any impact fighting a casino quietly and discretely.
Thank you so much for posting this. These blogs are the way to inform and it's a key way to start having everyone act.
We need to start rallying everyone again.
Please visit stopthecasino101coalition.com. This grassroots group has been fighting a casino for 5 years and are truly experts in helping guide us.
As you know, CC, because we have discussed this at length, I disagree and believe the BIA WILL push their luck and behave badly in our case. I have been planning a blog of my own to explain why.
(And I will be delighted to be proved completely wrong!)
But you have done a brilliant (as always ;~) job at demonstrating WHY, if they DO overstep their boundaries, THEY are WRONG to have done so.
Needless to say, no matter what, I also believe that we will prevail in keeping a casino out of Middleboro.
BTW thank you for including the quotes from the Declaration of Independence. The Bridgewater local newspaper printed it in their July 4th edition, and I cut it out and keep it by the computer. It's important to remember that as Americans, we have an obligation to raise our voices when we feel our government is putting it's citizens on an unequal footing.
You always make a complex issue sound so simple. Your explanation is greatly appreciated in dispelling the inevitability claims.
the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 clearly states that it is for Indian tribes who live on reservations and the only reservations were federal reservations in the West. Also that the IRA is for those tribes who accepted it by 1937, and RISC/CERA has that list of eligible tribes and has presented it to the Supreme Court. The Act itself states that only Congress can buy land to increase the reservation and turn it into trust land, $2 million dollars was set aside each year to do that. It is hardly ever used. But this eliminates the buying of land by casino developers.
Carver Chick,
As always your blogs are well thought out and tackle very complex issues. A rumor is exactly that until proven otherwise despite what "CRAC" (a joke in itself and aptly named), the Middleboro BOS (or shall I say circus act), and Scottie Fearsome want us to belive. This casino will never happen.
Where is the "I told you it was inevitable" battle cry now? If it was true pro casino people would be running though the streets. I'm not seeing it nor am I hearing "18 months"... facts always win over lies.
I'm not so sure it "AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN". Not without a legal fight. The BIA and DOI are so corrupt that what shouldn't happen...will happen anyway.
The fear isn't that we think we're wrong about the history of the tribe and whether or not there is direct lineage to Middleboro, but that the DOI DOESN'T CARE, the dollar signs are too big for them to care and the investors know that it takes big legal money to fight this in court. The DOI may grant that land into trust anyway (even though it shouldn't).
So...everyone needs to be prepared to take this battle to the courts. There is no way this AIN't GONNA HAPPEN by passively thinking it can't...because the money is talking and what should happen is completely irrelevant...unless you're facing a Supreme Court Judge.
Martha, I hope you're reading these blogs.
I totally agree with Jacquie, it must be publicly overstated that this casino cannot and should not be approved (LIT), or it will be challenged. It's not even close to victory party time, keep fighting long and hard!
I too agree whole-heartedly with Jacquie and Gladys that we must continue our fight. Trust me when I say, we will fight for our community and we will not stop or rest until the LIT application is denied.
We are wide awake.
We are not sleeping.
We will have NO CASINO! in our community. The project is an environmental disaster and will destroy our quality of life for generations to come. The law is clear - the Tribe has no claims to the land in Middleboro and they do not have the right to build a casino in our community. I will continue to have faith that the BIA will not try and pull a fast one...I will continue to have faith that the SOI will deny this application based on the law. In the meantime, I will also prepare for the BIA to behave badly, as will all of us, and we will be prepared to fight.
There is a thin line between vigilance and paranoia and I fear that some of you may have crossed over. But okay, I'll push the panic button too if someone will give me an example of land taken into trust by the DOI without an EIS. That's what all this is about, right? I still say it ain't gonna happen; it's not wishful thinking, it's not an opinion, and most of all IT'S NOT PASSIVE THINKING. I say it's not happening based on months of diligent research, so please, if you are going to tell me I'm wrong, make sure you can back it up with compelling evidence as to why.
dear anon 9:36
I think the concern here lies in the rumor being told around town coupled with cases where the BIA has made poor LIT decisions without regard to Interior Department policies, procedures and most importantly regulations. I agree that the DOI is the deciding body in this case at this point -- we are yet to see what the Carcieri v Kempthorne case determines - and the Secretary has not placed land into trust without some type of environmental review. However, given the behavior of the BIA in the past, it is fair to say that we need to be vigilant and we need make sure we don't get blindsighted. Again, I have faith that the land in Middleboro will not be placed in trust because it would be a direct violation of Federal law...but I will be prepared for anything, including the BIA thinking it can get away with approving the application. The more we know, the better armed we are. Knowledge is power.
Anon 9:36.
Go on stopthecasino101coalition.com. If the history of having casinos is so on the up and up, then why are so many law suits filed? We need to educate ourselves from people who have been fighting casinos for years. Those are the people we can learn from.
I'm not saying that your research is wrong.
I am saying that the DOI does not care what is RIGHT.
I agree that absolutely it would be in violation of Federal Law if the land in Middleboro went into trust. I'm saying that we may have to prove our case infront of a Judge.... that's my only point.
Look at how the tribe has conducted itself...do you really think the DOI or BIA are any less corrupt?
We've have stuff sprung on us from the beginning. The land was sold... we had 5 days to review the agreement...do you think there's a pattern here?
The Rohnert Park case had LIT before the second EIS study.
BTW Anon 9:36, you'd have much more credibility if you signed your name.
Important reminder of land being taken into trust without a final enviornmental review. Rohnert Park, CA. Go to stopthecasino101 for more information on this flawed step by the DOI.
In a major step toward a Las Vegas-style mega-casino in the Bay Area, federal officials on Wednesday announced a decision to take 254 acres into trust for an American Indian tribe just off Highway 101 in Sonoma County.
The 1,000-member Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria still needs a finalized environmental review, then must seal a state gaming compact before it can build a planned 760,000-square-foot casino complex with a 300-room hotel near Rohnert Park.
The situation in Rhonert Park, CA is not an example of the BIA disregarding federal process because they didn't. The BIA took the land by virtue of the Graton Rancheria Restoration Act (GRRA) of 2000. This Act states that the government "shall accept into trust for the benefit of the tribe any real property located in Marin or Sonoma County."
When you first reported that they had done this outside of the process and without an EIS and that we are in danger of them doing it here, I had expected to research this and find that the BIA woke up one morning and took the land without any explanation as to how or why. I'm not saying you have to like what they did, and I am certainly not saying that they were right in doing so, but the fact remains, they had the means (the authority of the GRRA) and they took advantage of it (however dubious it was). Now, it is important to note that they did NOT do this in lieu of the federal process because that tribe still has to:
1) complete an EIS,
2) get permission to game after review of the agreement with the casino developers (the real villains here),
3) negotiate a compact with the governor of the state.
The unfortunate tragedy in CA lies in the fact that the tribe now has "super-rights" over the water supply (huge impacts to the community) and the BIA taking the land was a calculated move to improve the water impacts in the ensuing EIS.
But as bad and as wrong as that situation is, this is NOT an example of the DOI taking land without due process, and it's NOT an indication that the DOI will approve the Mashpee tribe's application without a completed EIS.
I agree that we need to stay vigilant, but let's not give credibility to rumors and innuendos, or to the people who are perpetrating them.
Tracy (I hope this gives me some "street cred")
anon 2:15
I am going to respectfully disagree with you that the BIA didn't disregard federal process in the Califorina case. The NEPA regs are clear on this...The BIA could not have taken environmental consideration in their decision making process because and EIS was not completed. The BIA will always have a reason why they do what they do...they are not stupid...they are just counting on the rest of us being stupid. In the California case, they took environmentally sensitive land into trust without a thorough and complete EIS. Hiding behind a land restoration act does not allow them to decide on a trust land decision first and do the impact research later. The BIA behaved badly in this decision.
Will something like that happen here? I highly doubt it. As far as the DOI goes, if they approve gaming on a site where no EIS has been completed is also a violation of NEPA regulations in my eyes - land restoration act or not, the EIS should have been completed and approved before that land was put into trust.
In no way am I implying that this will happen here and certainly won't give credit to lies or rumors floating around Town about the Mashpee appliation.
Tracy, you ALWAYS have street creds with me!
You are Anon 9:36?
You have so much credibility in my eyes that if you had just signed your name at the beginning, I would have given more credence to your post. (For the record...I dislike anonymous posts greatly).
Regardless, you are one of the few that can convince me that LIT won't happen before the second EIS study is done. Like I said at the BIA hearing "this process stinks" and it's been corrupt from the get-go. I won't be surprised if anything happens and I want to be prepared.
I understand your point that the Rohnert case is different from us, but I agree with carverchick that it was wrong.
Let's all just agree that we need to stay vigilent and start forming a plan now.
OK, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here because if I continue this debate I am stuck with the task of defending the BIA, and I don't really want to do that. But I think you are looking at a bigger picture here and I am trying to hone you in on one point: Due process has not been ignored. Maybe if I simplify things by saying that due process has not been ignored, only delayed, would that make my point more palatable? Both parties in CA acknowledge that the process remains the same, and that an EIS needs to be completed along with the rest of the steps in the process in order for the tribe to build a casino.
Let's not apply any "ifs" to this situation and just look at the facts. (you know I love facts!)
We know they took the land, and we know the vehicle they used to do it. You stated that they did this without adhering to NEPA. Did you know that NEPA has 3 levels of analysis to decide whether or not an action could have significant impact on the environment? At the first level, an action may be catagorically excluded from environmental analysis if the federal agency has previously determined that the action has no environmental impact. Each federal agency has thier own list of actions which will always meet the first level of analysis. The second level is not much better, and in fact, it is only at the third level that an EIS must be prepared. Anyway, I called the EPA to see if I could get a list of the actions the BIA/DOI have deemed as always meeting the criteria of the first level. I don't know if "Land taken into trust under a congressional act" is on there, but it would be very interesting to find out, wouldn't it?
So in conclusion (another really wordy response here....so sorry) we really don't know if the BIA has circumvented thier own policy on LIT because we don't know what they have on thier list of first level actions, so I go back to my original statement: they did this under the authority of GRRA, no gaming has been approved, an EIS still needs to be done and this still is not the best example of the BIA circumventing the process.
Jacquie, you made a comment earlier that I would like to respond to; "if casinos are on the up and up, why are there so many lawsuits". I don't know where I went wrong in my responses, but I never meant to give the impression that I was in defense of casinos. I am frustrated and I have very specific ideas about how our reactions to the rumors are playing to the people who are pulling the strings. Most of all, I am tired of the division that still exists within our community, and I am sad about being personally effected by an issue that, quite frankly, only exists to benefit the casino developers (at the expense of everything else).
I can't wait for this to be over.
We are indebted to all of you who have put the time and energy into stopping this monstrosity. I have not had the time to be as involved as I would have liked to. I do however have cash, which could help fund a law suit if it comes to that. When and if the time comes, I will be in touch with the right people.
Mashpee Wampanoag LIT application update:
A recent inquiry to the BIA has confirmed that they have retained an Environmental Engineering firm who will be moving forward with the preparation of the EIS very soon. The application is moving through the process in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Federal Code. The BIA has said to expect a draft EIS this winter.
I hope it is quite obbvious that the land is not in trust at this time as the rumors have been saying. The casino is NOT a done deal. This application will not be approved prior to August 25 and will therefore fall under the new regulations for an intitial reservation. The land in Middleboro does not meet those requirements. IMO - this application won't even make it to the draft EIS phase, however if it does, we are prepared to take advantage of the 30 day comment period.
Since the Mashpee Wampamaog had their application in before the new regs, is there any chance that they will be grandfathered in to use the guidelines that were in place at the time their application was submitted?
from reading the regulations my answer to you is no. There is no grandfather clause for applications that have been submitted and are pending approval. There is a section in the regs that says the NIGC can comment on pending applications, but the decision is up to the discretion of the Secretary. The application will fall under the new regulations.
If anyone has a different view based on what the regs say, I would be interested in hearing it.
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