Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thinking on Thanksgiving

On September 6, 1620 a group of English fortune hunters set sail from Plymouth, England bound for a “New World” on a small ship named the Mayflower. When they landed on the shores of what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts they were ill prepared for the brutal New England weather and found themselves struggling through a winter that took over half their people and destroyed the seedlings brought with them from England. In the spring of 1621, a friendly Native American from the Wampanoag Indian Tribe came forward and taught the settlers fishing, planting and hunting. By the fall of 1621, there was enough food to survive the upcoming winter. As a celebration for a successful harvest, the settlers and the Wampanoag Indians sat together and had a huge feast. Today we celebrate that fateful time in history with Thanksgiving, an American Holiday celebrating home and family. The early settlers had much to be thankful for, as do many of us. Thanksgiving Day is time to reflect on all the wonderful things life brings us. I would like to say that I am thankful for….

My wonderful family…I am thankful for my husband who has always supported me while making many sacrifices to provide us a happy and loving home. I am thankful for my son who constantly reminds me how beautiful and amazing life can be.

My Home…An old farmhouse built in 1850 that we have dedicated the past fives years to restoring.

My job and career….I am thankful for a job which brings me much satisfaction as well as a means to provide for my family.

My community…A community built on history and tradition. We are blessed with wonderful friends and neighbors who bring much joy into our lives. I am thankful that my son will be able to grow up here.

I am also thankful for the folks at CasinoFacts for reminding me that a small group of people can make difference in this world. A small group of people who have become a large group of people dedicated to preserving our families, our homes, our jobs and our communities. May you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Gladys Kravitz said...

Carverchick! I'm so happy to see you have a blogspot of your own! I look forward to your future posts and am thankful, myself, for meeting all the fine people like you over the course of this incredible year.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your poignant sentiments and for being one of those who crossed the border and joined the fray.
Your presence and grace has enhanced the meaning of 'neighbor.'
When Rich Young spoke of the all the positives that have been accomplished during this process, you're one of them!
Thank you for being there!

Anonymous said...

Middleboro Recall: You're a breath of fresh air!
It was great meeting you and you have much of importance to say!
We look forward to your comments.
Please keep speaking out & speaking up. It encourages others.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. It is important to remember the good things also

wayne said...

After reading these comments, I really do not have much to add, as everyone already said it well.

Thank you carverchick for this blog.
I wholeheartedly agree; this issue has brought a few positives, most notably the opportunity to meet so many great people such as yourself!
You are an asset to your community.