Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another Open Letter to Cedric Cromwell....

Dear Cedric,

You can tout your rhetoric "we were under federal jurisdiction in 1934" fantasy all you can even convince naïve journalists to write articles in supporting your claims...heck, you can hire a pseudo tribal member via marriage as your PR cheerleader to air commercials full of lies and innuendo...I'm fine with that. Heck, I am tickled pink thinking about the fact that you paid under-educated, LIT inept fancy lawyers to write up yet a third Carcieri argument to get land in trust. In fact, we are honored that our meek, timid, IN YOUR FACE letter to the SOI, BIA and State of Massachusetts regarding your (ahem) federal jurisdiction status as of 1934 forced you to write a rebuttal letter...really, we was super fun finding the evidence, yet even more exciting that
it left your overpaid PR "tribal member by marriage" person speechless. Here is your problem Cedric...maybe, just maybe...if you knew ANYTHING about the history of the Tribe you claim to lead, you would have actually read your Federal Recognition know...before sending yet another Carcieri argument about federal jurisdiction.  If you had, you would have realized that the tribe you claim to lead submitted evidence to the federal government in support of tribal existence, is in complete contradiction to your claims....  behold paragraph one, page 23 of the Mashpee Wampanoag Federal Recognition entitled: Federal Officials, Academics, and Researchers

"Federal officials, academics, and various researchers consistently described the Mashpee in the 1930's and 1940's. In 1934, W. Carson Ryan, Jr., an official with the Bureau of Indian Affairs,* wrote James F. Peebles, superintendent of schools in Bourne, Massachusetts, regarding Federal assistance for building a school in the "Indian town of Mashpee." Ryan, writing at the behest of Eleanor Roosevelt informed Peebles that Federal grants for school construction were unavailable for "Indian groups" like the "Mashpee Community" under State jurisdiction."

* emphasis mine...
 Oh...and your claims regarding Mashpee children going to the Carlisle School is contradicted in your Federal Recognition also....just so you know.....

Kindest Regards,

Citizens of Region C who know you are up to your eyeballs in bulls**t...xoxo

 -The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic - John F. Kennedy

 I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant. - H. L. Mencken -

- be the change you want to see in the world -



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And Cedric's lawyer's claim to aborigal land to Taunton proof is entertaining. Before the Economic and Emerging Technologied Committee at the State House Ced's lawyer said Sachem Wetamo was crossing Taunton River, killed and her was displayed on a pike on Taunton Green. A few problems need to be glossed over, I mean addressed by thus statement. Taunton Green was sort of a pasture bisected by foot paths back then. There's a painting of it at The Old Colony Historical Society Mueseum. And one other little prob. Wetamo was POKANOKET. NOT MASHPEE. And the casino site in Taunton is in POKANOKET aboriginal territory. Hmmmm. I see a trend here. Ced is hijacking Pokanoket territory AND culture, history and heritage. You got some 'splainin to do Cedric!