Friday, October 19, 2012

A Voice of Reason

Only one voice of reason stands out in the incessant chatter from the left and the right regarding the upcoming elections and it is the voice of Ron Paul. Yes, Ron Paul is alive and well and continuing to spread his message of liberty.   Honestly, this Obama/Romney race is just plain tiring and I just want it to be over.  This Presidental election has me feeling like an innocent person convicted of a horrible crime awaiting my sentence - is it going to be four more years of a Barak Obama Administration, or a potential eight years of a Mitt Romney Administration....ugh - can I please see what is behind door number three??    However when I listen to this man speak, I feel hope.  I am not told to believe in hope and change I can believe in - I just feel it and know that there is one person who is capable of pulling us out of the mess we are in as a country - and he was pushed out...but hey, I totally get why he was pushed out of the republican nomination...he actually makes sense - and he tells the truth about the state of our Nation and where we are headed.   I guess the new necon party disguised as republicans can't handle the truth.....long live the rEVOLution.  Peace!

 - be the change you want to see in  the world -

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