Monday, July 23, 2012

A Public Service Announcement......

We are in the process of reviewing the Mashpee Wampanoag Land in Trust Application against all applicable regulations....and the Proclamation Checklist (which they reference in their application) as well as the Fee to Trust Handbook (which they also reference).

....all I can say at this point is this...

And this......

"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” - Bessie Stanley

“I am for integrity, if only because life is very short and truth is hard to come by.”

- be the change you want to see in the world -


Anonymous said...

I am sick after reading this most recent application. Their "bone of modern history" is all of the bones of my ancestors under the guise of NAGPRA. Shame on them...
There is no honor when rightful heirs are denyed list of inventory and knowledge. Keep all the land you want in Mashpee...but stay away from my Ancestors paths. You have used Andrew "Kenny" Alves to take what wasn't yours...and he isn't even Native! He was a foster kid at Windsongs...and that doesn't make him Native!!! Actually Windsong could never prove his blood either, but it was all part of the Peters plan to take Pocasset ground and their remains.
We Still LIve!

Joan said...

Please don't say a Peters plan that is Ramona Peters and the Comm on Indian Affairs John "Jim" Peters plan.Contact the Gov's office and let him know what is going on .Even though he doesn't care at least you can say you tried.Jim and Ramona have never even let their own tribe know where bones have been reburied so why do they car about the Pocasset .

Anonymous said...

Actually just looked at the MEPA application which list 3 Archeological Resources...that they knew about on this site since 2001!!!! Will be writing an op-ed tonight. I am SO dis-heartened!
I would do anything for anyone to honor their ancestors and the Peters Clan, just doesn't get it...

Joan said...

It is not all the Peters just Ramona and Jim Peters who don't care.They do not care about their Ancestors or anyone .

Anonymous said...

Quakers in Apponagansett...Russrls Mill rd. Dartmouth are hosting Exec. Director of Indian Affairs Jim Peters and Chief "I'm not Native" Andrew Kenny Alves...are speaking tomorrow at 3pm. Should be interesting as they want to inter bones from Harvard that have been sitting on a shelf down in Mashpee for way to long...The honorable thing to do is return them to their heirs. No honor there...