The Tribe had planned on hand delivering a letter to Governor Deval Patrick this morning, formally asking to begin compact negotiation talks….it seems they forgot to mention one tiny little request that has not sat well with some….
The tribe’s seven-page formal letter to the governor, scheduled to be hand-delivered today, makes no provision for a representative of Middleboro to be at the bargaining table.

He calls on the tribe to “repair the wound” caused by the lack of an invitation to the bargaining table and wrote: “If it doesn’t, is there any reason to continue to support an illusory partnership?”
Yes…why support an illusory partnership? I guess when you have been sucked into the illusion long enough, you actually start to believe it is real. I hope this is a wake up call for all the pro casino people out there. I am not saying its time to stop supporting the casino, I am merely saying that it is time to hold the Tribe accountable for all the promises, written or said, public or private that were made. Hold them accountable and don’t let them continue to bamboozle you too.
And the saga continues. This is Middleboro, you know….
I just finished reading the latest installment of the Casino Chronicles in the Enterprise and in the course of minutes my outrage had morphed into….you got it….jaw dropping amazement. It has been a matter of hours since the first article came out and it is now being reported that the Tribe had every intention of including Middleboro in the letter and it is so unfortunate that the letter they gave the press was a draft….yes…..a draft letter and they hadn’t yet finished the final letter – the one that will include Middleboro – the one that wasn’t delivered today, and it is unclear when the revised letter will be delivered to the Governor.
The Mashpee Wampanoag tribe says a letter floated yesterday requesting official compact negotiations with the state about a proposed casino was just a draft, and tribal leaders are now revising it to include a representative of the town of Middleboro at the bargaining table.
Hmmmm…..I see a pattern here. Poor Mr. Hendricks, his legs must be exhausted from all that back- peddling he has done today. Funny thing about this “draft” letter…..it was signed by Mr. Hendricks in the presence of the media. Now why in the world would he sign a draft letter and give it to the media?
On a brighter note, it seems that our Governor has seen the light and is now clearly not ready to pull the rope for the Tribe. Be sure to watch the video...
On a brighter note, it seems that our Governor has seen the light and is now clearly not ready to pull the rope for the Tribe. Be sure to watch the video...
He said the tribe needs to get a hold of the land first before formal negotiations can really take place. "We want to be constructive, we need to be responsible. We don't want to be hasty," he said.
The governor said any talks right now would be hypothetical. "I respect the tribe, and I respect their interests, but until the land and trust is sorted out, there's not a whole lot that's meaningful about those conversations."
Finally!! Our Governor seems to be working in our best interests. Thank you Governor Patrick…..haste makes waste!
If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters. ~Alan Simpson
You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. ~James D. Miles
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